Origin is specified as a position and direction: x, y, and theta. The x and y are specified in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the drawing surface. Theta is specified in radians (TODO: change to degrees).
The angles of the operators are specified as two values, in degrees.
Scale controls the forward movement of the F, A, B, and G symbols, in pixels.
The string ruleset input ought to be fairly straightforward. For stochastic generation, secondary F and X entries are allowed, their probability is controlled by the smaller text inputs (0-1 range).
Color sliders control multiplication of the stack level to provide linearly interpolated color based on stack level. Checkboxes force colors to 255. The fourth slider is alpha.
'Draw' will regenerate and draw the shape, based on the existing ruleset and parameters. 'Clear' resets the canvas to black. 'Text' echoes the last generated sequence string to a new tab. 'Save' echoes the current canvas view to a new tab.
In the 'Output to Console' section, 'String' will echo the sequence string to the console (this may crash/freeze the browser as the sequence string is often freakishly long), and 'Parameters' echoes the parameters to the console.
A list of presets are provided. Selecting a preset will overwrite any existing parameters and ruleset.