KML Files

KML files of satellite imagery coverage for select areas. Assembled from USGS EarthExplorer search results to make it easier to see areas with coverage. EarthExplorer makes it very easy to find available data in a given region of interest, but the reverse is often difficult. These files are a not quite ideal solution to this.

Orbview 3 Imagery

OrbView 3 provides 1m pan and 4m MS (4 bands, RGB and NIR). KML files below show OrbView 3 imagery availability for several states. Most files are culled by cloud cover (expressed in percent); 30% is typically chosen as it filters out images too cloudy to be useful. Updated 2014-10-28.

OrbView 3 AZ 2014-10-25 <30% clouds

OrbView 3 CA 2014-10-28 <30% clouds

OrbView 3 CO 2014-10-25 <30% clouds

OrbView 3 CO 2014-10-25 All

OrbView 3 UT 2014-10-25 <30% clouds

LiDAR Coverage

LiDAR coverage for several states. Due to the large number of polygons, this file may cause Google Earth to freeze or crash. Updated 2014-11-10, includes AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, UT, WY.


Note that additional public LiDAR data is available from NSF OpenTopography. The KML file for OpenTopo coverage can be downloaded here. There is some overlap between USGS and OpenTopo datasets.